Friday, September 29, 2006

Internet (Online) TV

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Do I Need To Transfer My Visa To My New Passport

The IND Page

See bottom:

Form TOC (95Kb)

Use Form TOC to apply to have a limited leave to enter or remain stamp to be fixed on the applicant's new passport, travel document or other document issued to the applicant as a result of the renewal or replacement of a previous passport travel document or other document.

Please be aware that if you submit a passport that has expired, or is close to expiry, you will need to pay the current fee should you wish to have any leave granted transferred into a new passport at a later date.

However you should be aware that you are able to travel with a new, valid passport without having your leave transferred provided that you carry with it either your old passport with your endorsement of leave, or the letter on which your leave was granted.

It is up to individuals to ensure their travel documents are kept up to date and are valid for travel. The decision to admit a person at port is made by the Immigration Officer based on the information and evidence presented to them.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Leisure Centres in Tower Hamlets

Sunday, September 17, 2006

How To Save Flash Videos From YouTube

Property Prices

Friday, September 08, 2006

HMCS Money Claim Online

Claiming money that other people owe you (with a Judge and Warrant):