Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Google App Engine

Google App Engine - Deploy your own CGI-enabled website with ease (and for free). No need to learn Ruby-on-Rails; no need to buy a domain name; no need to rent a server of your own; no need to backup and version control of your website -- because it's all done by Google. Yays! Google delivers again!

(For serving static content only, could use Google Pages
This creates static homepages like http://*
This is being transitioned to Google Sites
But it's not quite the same...)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Modern Money Mechanics (M0, M1, M2, M3 and the Money Multiplier)

Modern Money Mechanics
Money Supply

Higher Power Money, Quantitative Easing, and what instruments the Federal Reserve can use to control the money supply in the system.

Essentially, the Treasury account, currency notes and coins, and securities the Fed purchases are notional money that cannot be leveraged (multiplied upon). Other money can be multiplied on by the banks, thanks to the fractional reserve system. Providing liquidity means injecting multiply-able money into the money system, in exchange for securities that can be used to sterilize liquidity in the future (traditionally Treasury bills, but now also commercial paper and other securities).

Fed article predicting Fed actions in deflation era

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Steve Jobs MacWorld keynote speeches 1998-2008