Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Greyhound to launch UK operations

Greyhound is to launch UK operations running coaches between London Victoria and Portsmouth and Southampton. What's more attractive is that single fares start from just 1 pound.

Greyhound UK

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Great American Bubble Machine

A summary of Goldman Sachs' role in every major financial bubble of this century:
The Great American Bubble Machine

From causing the 1930 great depression, to fueling the 1999 dot com bubble, to the 21-century housing bubble, to the 2008 oil bubble, to the 2009 bailout handout, to a predicted bubble in carbon trading...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Google's new communications and collaborations tool - Google Wave

Google will launch a new communications and collaborations tool to compete with Microsoft: Google Wave

Check it out. It looks really cool compared with traditional email and messaging systems.

Microsoft's new decision engine - Bing

Microsoft will soon launch a new decision engine to compete with Google: Bing

Check out the preview. It looks really cool compared with traditional search engines.

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Fed's New Balance Sheet

The Fed's New Balance Sheet

Excellent analysis of the fed's balance sheet since the financial crisis, and concerns it raises.

"I would suggest first that the new Fed balance sheet represents a fundamental transformation of the role of the central bank."

"A second concern I have with the new Fed balance sheet is that it has seriously compromised the independence of the central bank."

"My third concern is that the new Fed balance sheet has handicapped the Fed's ability to fulfill its primary mission, which I see as promoting a stable and predictable low rate of inflation."

"I recommend instead that the Fed should be buying Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities in the current situation. Tim Iacono says that's like the Mafia buying 'protection' from itself. But my point is that TIPS represent an asset that would gain in value at a time the Fed needs to sell them, meaning that the logistical ability of the Fed to drain reserves quickly in such circumstances is without question."

Why Bother With Bonds?

Why Bother With Bonds?

"In a footnote, Rob gets off a great shot, pointing out that the 5% risk premium
seen in a lot of sales pitches is at best unreliable and is probably little
more than an urban legend of the finance community."

"My point in exploring this extended stock market history is to demonstrate that the widely accepted notion of a reliable 5% equity risk premium is a myth."

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Google App Engine

Google App Engine - Deploy your own CGI-enabled website with ease (and for free). No need to learn Ruby-on-Rails; no need to buy a domain name; no need to rent a server of your own; no need to backup and version control of your website -- because it's all done by Google. Yays! Google delivers again!

(For serving static content only, could use Google Pages
This creates static homepages like http://*
This is being transitioned to Google Sites
But it's not quite the same...)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Modern Money Mechanics (M0, M1, M2, M3 and the Money Multiplier)

Modern Money Mechanics
Money Supply

Higher Power Money, Quantitative Easing, and what instruments the Federal Reserve can use to control the money supply in the system.

Essentially, the Treasury account, currency notes and coins, and securities the Fed purchases are notional money that cannot be leveraged (multiplied upon). Other money can be multiplied on by the banks, thanks to the fractional reserve system. Providing liquidity means injecting multiply-able money into the money system, in exchange for securities that can be used to sterilize liquidity in the future (traditionally Treasury bills, but now also commercial paper and other securities).

Fed article predicting Fed actions in deflation era

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Steve Jobs MacWorld keynote speeches 1998-2008