Best flight fares & Predicting flight fares from historical data
Kayak US
Best fares search and prediction and historical data.
- Only available for US flights
- Certain cities and dates
For the UK, use Kayak UK
or Amadeus
(though historical data of best prices don't seem to take into account preferences of flights, e.g. whether it's direct flight, and departure times, etc. So should probably be best used to predict peakness/season rather than best prices I can get with my requirements.)
Kayak US
Best fares search and prediction and historical data.
- Only available for US flights
- Certain cities and dates
For the UK, use Kayak UK
or Amadeus
(though historical data of best prices don't seem to take into account preferences of flights, e.g. whether it's direct flight, and departure times, etc. So should probably be best used to predict peakness/season rather than best prices I can get with my requirements.)
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